Why should you apply to the summer program
Razones para solicitar a MSRP Bio
Program dates: May 26 - August 2, 2025
Application deadline: January 30, 2025
CBMM offers an intensive 10-week summer research internship, in collaboration with the MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (MIT BCS), for advanced talented undergraduates from institutions with limited research opportunities to introduce them to the fields of computational and cognitive neuroscience. The ultimate goal of this summer program is to provide students with a strong research experience in preparation for graduate school and to encourage them to pursue a career in brain science. Students will be assigned to a faculty mentor, conduct supervised graduate level research, attend seminars, a GRE prep course, and present their summer research. Participants will also have many opportunities to meet with faculty in various areas of neuroscience. The number of internships available is limited. Students accepted into the program will receive a competitive stipend, on-campus housing, and travel allowances.
Program eligibility and application
MIT undergraduates are not eligible for this program. If you are an MIT undergrad, see the UROP Program website. Students studying abroad are not eligible. Graduate students are not eligible. Only current undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors and non-graduating seniors) studying full-time in the US are eligible for this summer program, NO EXCEPTIONS. International students are not eligible UNLESS they are enrolled full-time at a minority-serving institution in the US. Students interested in engineering and other disciplines unrelated to biology, neuroscience or the brain should not apply to this program.
- Must be full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a college or university in the U.S.
- Must be current sophomores or juniors who have successfully completed introductory courses in the sciences
- Maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA in the science courses
- Have prior research experience
- Must have demonstrated an interest in basic research and in a career in the sciences
Some knowledge of programming is preferable (C++, MATLAB, or Python). Students majoring in Math, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Neuroscience, Psychology, Cognitive Science are particularly encouraged to apply
The online application is now closed. Late submissions will not be accepted. A complete application consists of:
- The completed on-line application form
- Three letters of reference from science faculty (at least one letter must be from a research mentor or lab supervisor. Please note that applicants must submit a letter of reference from their most recent research experiences.)
- Most updated college transcripts (official transcripts will be required once applicants are admitted into the summer program)
- A one-page personal statement of interest and career goals
Questions? Check out our FAQs.
[Prof. Nancy Kanwisher with MSRP 2022 students]