Josh McDermott

Photo of Prof. Josh McDermott
Department:  Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Associated Research Module: 

Associated Research Thrust: 

Josh McDermott obtained his PhD from MIT in 2006 and returned in January 2013 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, moving from Oxford University, where he was a visiting scientist during 2012. Prior to that, he was a research associate at New York University (2009-2012) and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Minnesota (2007-2008). Dr. McDermott is the recipient of a Marshall Scholarship, a James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award, and an NSF CAREER Award.

Dr. McDermott studies sound and hearing using tools from experimental psychology, engineering, and neuroscience. He seeks to understand how humans derive information from sound, and in particular how they succeed in real-world conditions that cause even the most powerful state-of-the-art computer algorithms to fail, for instance in recognizing speech amid background noise. He aims to use the contrast between biological and machine hearing systems to reveal the workings of biological hearing, to improve prosthetic devices for aiding those with hearing impairment, and to design better computer algorithms for analyzing sound. Research in his lab will explore how humans recognize real-world sound sources, segregate particular sounds from the mixture that enters the ear (the cocktail party problem), and remember and/or attend to particular sounds of interest. He also studies music perception and cognition.

Room:  MIT Bldg. 46, Rm. 46-4065
Phone:  (617) 253-7437

Current Advisees

Maddie Cusimano - Graduate Student
Alex Durango - Graduate Student
Jenelle Feather - Graduate Student
Andrew Francl - Graduate Student
Jarrod Hicks - Graduate Student
Mark Saddler - Graduate Student

Past Advisees

Alex Kell - Graduate Student
Richard McWalter - Postdoc
Wiktor Młynarski - Postdoctoral Associate
Erica Shook - Visiting Research Intern
James Traer - Graduate Student


CBMM Publications

M. J. McPherson, Grace, R. C., and McDermott, J. H., Harmonicity aids hearing in noise, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2022.
J. M. Hicks and McDermott, J. H., Segregation from Noise as Outlier Detection , in Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Jose, CA, USA, 2020.
M. J. McPherson and McDermott, J. H., Time-dependent discrimination advantages for harmonic sounds suggest efficient coding for memory, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 117, no. 50, pp. 32169 - 32180, 2020.
J. Traer, Cusimano, M., and McDermott, J. H., A perceptually inspired generative model of rigid-body contact sounds, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), 2019.
C. Stephenson, Feather, J., Padhy, S., Elibol, O., Tang, H., McDermott, J. H., and Chung, S. Y., Untangling in Invariant Speech Recognition, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
W. Młynarski and McDermott, J. H., Ecological origins of perceptual grouping principles in the auditory system, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 116, no. 50, pp. 25355 - 25364, 2019.
J. Traer and McDermott, J. H., Human recognition of environmental sounds is not always robust to reverberation, Annual Meeting of the Acoustical Society, vol. 143, no. 3. 2018.
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Co-occurrence statistics of natural sound features predict perceptual grouping, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE). Denver, Colorado, 2018.
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Learning Mid-Level Auditory Codes from Natural Sound Statistics, Neural Computation, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 631-669, 2018.
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Lossy Compression of Uninformative Stimuli in the Auditory System, Association for Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting. 2017.
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Learning Mid-Level Codes for Natural Sounds, Association for Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting. 2017.
J. Traer and McDermott, J. H., Auditory Perception of Material and Force from Impact Sounds, Annual Meeting of Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 2017.
J. Traer and McDermott, J. H., Investigating audition with a generative model of impact sounds, Annual Meeting of Acoustical Society of America. 2017.
Z. Zhang, Wu, J., Li, Q., Huang, Z., Traer, J., McDermott, J. H., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Freeman, W. T., Generative modeling of audible shapes for object perception, in The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Venice, Italy, 2017.
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Learning Mid-Level Codes for Natural Sounds, Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience. 2016.
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Learning mid-level codes for natural sounds, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2016. Salt Lake City, UT, 2016.
A. Owens, Isola, P., McDermott, J. H., Torralba, A., Adelson, E. H., and Freeman, W. T., Visually indicated sounds, in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016.
J. Traer and McDermott, J. H., Statistics of natural reverberation enable perceptual separation of sound and space, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 113, no. 48, pp. E7856 - E7865, 2016.