Vision and Action

Vision and Action

Date Posted:  May 3, 2011
Date Recorded:  May 3, 2011
CBMM Speaker(s):  Tomaso Poggio, Amnon Shashua, Matt Wilson Speaker(s):  Rodney L. Brooks, Takeo Kanade
  • MIT150: Brains, Minds & Machines Symposium
Associated CBMM Pages: 

MIT150 Symposium: Brains, Minds and Machines

Moderator: Tomaso A. Poggio, Eugene McDermott Professor in the Brain Sciences, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Founding Member, McGovern Institute for Brain Research; Principal Investigator, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; Co-Director, Center for Biological and Computational Learning, MIT

Panel: Rodney L. Brooks, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Technology Officer, Heartland Robotics, Inc.; Panasonic Professor of Robotics, Emeritus, MIT

Takeo Kanade, U.A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics, The Robotics Institute; Director, Quality of Life Technology Engineering Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University

Amnon Shashua PhD '93, Co-Founder, Mobileye; Sachs Professor of Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Matthew A. Wilson, Sherman Fairchild Professor of Neuroscience; Picower Scholar; Associate Head for Education, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT

See the MIT150 site for more information -