RESPRECT: Speeding-up Multi-Fingered Grasping With Residual Reinforcement LearningRESPRECT: Speeding-Up Multi-Fingered Grasping With Residual Reinforcement Learning_supp1-3363532.mp4

TitleRESPRECT: Speeding-up Multi-Fingered Grasping With Residual Reinforcement LearningRESPRECT: Speeding-Up Multi-Fingered Grasping With Residual Reinforcement Learning_supp1-3363532.mp4
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsCeola, F, Rosasco, L, Natale, L, Ceola, F
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Pagination3045 - 3052
Date Published04/2024

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has proven effective in learning control policies using robotic grippers, but much less practical for solving the problem of grasping with dexterous hands – especially on real robotic platforms – due to the high dimensionality of the problem. In this letter, we focus on the multi-fingered grasping task with the anthropomorphic hand of the iCub humanoid. We propose the RESidual learning with PREtrained CriTics (RESPRECT) method that, starting from a policy pre-trained on a large set of objects, can learn a residual policy to grasp a novel object in a fraction ( ∼5× faster) of the timesteps required to train a policy from scratch, without requiring any task demonstration. To our knowledge, this is the first Residual Reinforcement Learning (RRL) approach that learns a residual policy on top of another policy pre-trained with DRL. We exploit some components of the pre-trained policy during residual learning that further speed-up the training. We benchmark our results in the iCub simulated environment, and we show that RESPRECT can be effectively used to learn a multi-fingered grasping policy on the real iCub robot.

Short TitleIEEE Robot. Autom. Lett.

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