Bob Desimone: Visual Attention
Topics: Change blindness; receptive fields increase from V1 to IT; clutter is a challenge for recognition; one computational purpose of attention is biased competition; training an object classifier using recordings from IT in monkeys attending images of objects; normalization models: response is a weighted sum of all inputs with attention modeled as an increase in weights from the attended stimulus (e.g. Reynolds, Heeger, Neuron 2009; Ni, Ray, Maunsell, The New Cognitive Neurosciences 2012); biological mechanisms (Wilson, Runyan, Wang, Sur, PNAS 2012); evidence for role of synchrony (Singer) in spatial attention effects; study of dual recordings in FEF and V4 to test whether top-down inputs from FEF cause V4 synchrony (Gregoriou et al., Science 2009); feature attention; study of source of top-down object feature signals using MEG and fMRI in humans (Baldauf, Desimone, Science 2014) showing that FEF biases visual processing to different visual field locations and IFJ biases processing to different objects/features