Using Embodied AI to help answer”why” questions in systems neuroscience

Using Embodied AI to help answer”why” questions in systems neuroscience

Date Posted:  September 29, 2023
Date Recorded:  September 19, 2023
Speaker(s):  Aran Nayebi
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Deep neural networks trained on high-variation tasks ("goals”) have had immense success as predictive models of the human and non-human primate visual pathways. More specifically, a positive relationship has been observed between model performance on ImageNet categorization and neural predictivity. Past a point, however, improved categorization performance on ImageNet does not yield improved neural predictivity, even between very different architectures. In this talk, I will present two case studies in both rodents and primates, that demonstrate a more general correspondence between self-supervised learning of visual representations relevant to high-dimensional embodied control and increased gains in neural predictivity.
In the first study, we develop the (currently) most precise model of the mouse visual system, and show that self-supervised, contrastive algorithms outperform supervised approaches in capturing neural response variance across visual areas. By “implanting” these visual networks into a biomechanically-realistic rodent body to navigate to rewards in a novel maze environment, we observe that the artificial rodent with a contrastively-optimized visual system is able to obtain more reward across episodes compared to its supervised counterpart. The second case study examines mental simulations in primates, wherein we show that self-supervised video foundation models that predict the future state of their environment in latent spaces that can support a wide range of sensorimotor tasks, align most closely with human error patterns and macaque frontal cortex neural dynamics. Taken together, our findings suggest that self-supervised learning of visual representations that are reusable for downstream Embodied AI tasks may be a promising way forward to study the evolutionary constraints of neural circuits in multiple species.
0:00 - Guangyu Robert Yang Introduction
1:17 - Introduction
10:54 - Mouse Visual Cortex as a Task-General, Limited Resource System
29:13 - Reusable Latent Representations for Primate Mental Simulation
51:45 - Heuristics for Interrogating Natural Intelligence
Papers Discussed:
1. A. Nayebi*, N. C. Kong*, C. Zhuang, J. L. Gardner, A. M. Norcia, & D. L. Yamins. Mouse visual cortex as a limited resource system that self-learns an ecologically-general representation. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(10), e1011506. 2023.
2. A. Nayebi, R. Rajalingham, M. Jazayeri, G.R. Yang. “Neural foundations of mental simulation: future prediction of latent representations on dynamic scenes”. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Volume 36 (2023): 70548–70561.