Embedded thumbnail for Patrick Winston: The Story Understanding Story
Jun 9, 2014
June 9, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Patrick Winston
Topics: Brief history of AI and arguments against the possibility of artificial intelligence; emergence of symbolic processing capability through evolution; strong story hypothesis: ability to tell, understand, recombine stories distinguishes human...
Embedded thumbnail for Shimon Ullman: Visual Understanding: State of the World, Future Directions
Jun 9, 2014
June 9, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Shimon Ullman
Topics: Overview of visual understanding; object categorization and variability in appearance within categories; recognizing individuals; identifying object parts; learning categories from examples by combining different features (simple to complex...
Embedded thumbnail for Boris Katz: Telling Machines about the World, and Daniel Harari: Innate Mechanisms and Learning: Developing Complex Visual Concepts from Unlabeled Natural Dynamic Scenes
Jun 9, 2014
June 9, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Boris Katz
Topics: (Boris Katz) Limitations of recent AI successes (Goggles, Kinect, Watson, Siri); brief history of computer vision system performance; scene understanding tasks: object detection, verification, identification, categorization, recognition of...
Embedded thumbnail for Bob Desimone: Visual Attention
Jun 7, 2014
June 7, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Robert Desimone
Topics: Change blindness; receptive fields increase from V1 to IT; clutter is a challenge for recognition; one computational purpose of attention is biased competition; training an object classifier using recordings from IT in monkeys attending...
Embedded thumbnail for Matt Wilson: Hippocampal memory reactivation in awake and sleep states
Jun 7, 2014
June 7, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Matt Wilson
Topics: Role of hippocampus in formation of episodic memory (linkage of events) and spatial memory used in navigation (linkage of spatial locations); both capabilities depend on temporal sequence encoding; place fields emerge for rats on linear...
Embedded thumbnail for Winrich Freiwald: Taking Apart the Neural Circuits of Face Processing
Jun 7, 2014
June 7, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Winrich Freiwald
Topics: Connection of face recognition to intelligence: social cognition and perception start with faces, e.g. facial expression and communication; requirements for face recognition: (1) detect face, (2) encode structural properties, (3) encode...
Embedded thumbnail for Laura Schulz: Cognitive Development and Commonsense Reasoning, Part 2, and Joshua Tenenbaum: Machine vs. Human Learning and Development of Intuitive Physics
Jun 6, 2014
June 6, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Laura Schulz
Topics: (Laura Schulz) Inferential economics; learning from instruction vs. exploration (Gweon, Pelton, Schulz, Cognitive Science 2011); rational learning through play
(Joshua Tenenbaum): General introduction to the CBMM research thrust on...
Embedded thumbnail for Tomer Ullman vs. Laura Schulz debate: Theories, Imagination, and the Generation of New Ideas
Jun 6, 2014
June 6, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Tomer Ullman, Laura Schulz
Topics: (Tomer Ullman) What good is a theory; problem of search in theory space; stochastic search and relevance to cognitive development
(Laura Schulz) Issues with stochastic search: the search space is infinite and does not make use of...
Embedded thumbnail for Laura Schulz: The Origins of Inquiry: Inference and Exploration in Early Childhood
Jun 6, 2014
June 6, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Laura Schulz
Topics: Brief historical overview of key research that revolutionized the study of cognitive development; analogies between how scientists and children learn; overview of studies showing that (1) childrens’ generalizations depend on how evidence is...
Embedded thumbnail for Rebecca Saxe: Patterns of Minds: Decoding Features of ToM and MVPA
Jun 6, 2014
June 6, 2014
Part of
All Captioned Videos, Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):
Rebecca Saxe
Topics: Theory of Mind (ToM): false belief task embodies a difference between reality and what a character thinks; 5 year olds can do false belief tasks while 3 year olds cannot; fMRI study reveals regions selectively involved in reasoning about...
