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Online Developmental Science to Foster Innovation, Access, and Impact. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24, 675 - 678 (2020).
Children understand that agents maximize expected utilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146, 1574 - 1585 (2017).
ExpectedUtilities_Final.pdf (950.09 KB)

Rational quantitative attribution of beliefs, desires, and percepts in human mentalizing. Nature Human Behavior 1, (2017).
article.pdf (2.17 MB)

Mastery of the logic of natural numbers is not the result of mastery of counting: Evidence from late counters. . Developmental Science (2016). doi:10.1111/desc.12459
The naive utility calculus: computational principles underlying social cognition. Trends Cogn Sci. (2016). doi:10.1016/j.tics.2016.05.011
Children’s understanding of the costs and rewards underlying rational action. Cognition 140, 14–23 (2015).
CM_inPress.pdf (438.5 KB)

Not So Innocent: Toddlers’ Inferences About Costs and Culpability. Psychological Science 26, 633-40 (2015).
NotSoInnocent_InPress.pdf (238.53 KB)