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Liu, S. et al. Dangerous Ground: One-Year-Old Infants are Sensitive to Peril in Other Agents’ Action PlansAbstract. Open Mind 6, 211 - 231 (2022).
Thomas, A. J., Woo, B., Nettle, D., Spelke, E. S. & Saxe, R. Early concepts of intimacy: Young humans use saliva sharing to infer close relationships. Science 375, 311 - 315 (2022).
Thomas, A. J., Saxe, R. & Spelke, E. S. Infants infer potential social partners by observing the interactions of their parent with unknown others. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, (2022).PDF icon pnas.2121390119.pdf (1.43 MB)
Woo, B. M. & Spelke, E. S. Toddlers’ social evaluations of agents who act on false beliefs. Developmental Science 26, (2022).
Gartstein, M. A. et al. Using machine learning to understand age and gender classification based on infant temperament. PLOS ONE 17, e0266026 (2022).
Izard, V., Pica, P. & Spelke, E. S. Visual foundations of Euclidean geometry. Cognitive Psychology 136, 101494 (2022).
Spelke, E. S. What Babies KnowAbstractCore KnowledgeAbstract. 190 - C5.T1 (Oxford University PressNew York, 2022). doi:10.1093/oso/9780190618247.001.000110.1093/oso/9780190618247.003.0005
Gjata, N. N., Ullman, T. D., Spelke, E. S. & Liu, S. What Could Go Wrong: Adults and Children Calibrate Predictions and Explanations of Others' Actions Based on Relative Reward and Danger. Cognitive Science 46, (2022).
Shu, T. et al. AGENT: A Benchmark for Core Psychological Reasoning. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (2021).
Ullman, T. D. et al. Draping an Elephant: Uncovering Children's Reasoning About Cloth-Covered Objects. Cognitive Science Society (2019). at <>PDF icon Draping an Elephant: Uncovering Children's Reasoning About Cloth-Covered Objects.pdf (2.62 MB)
Liu, S., Cushman, F. A., Gershman, S. J., Kool, W. & Spelke, E. S. Hard choices: Children’s understanding of the cost of action selection. . Cognitive Science Society (2019).PDF icon phk_cogsci_2019_final.pdf (276.14 KB)
Calero, C. I., Shalom, D. E., Spelke, E. S. & Sigman, M. Language, gesture, and judgment: Children’s paths to abstract geometry. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 177, 70 - 85 (2019).
Smith, K. A. et al. Modeling Expectation Violation in Intuitive Physics with Coarse Probabilistic Object Representations. 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) (2019). at <http: //>PDF icon ADEPT_NeurIPS.pdf (11.07 MB)
Liu, S., Brooks, N. B. & Spelke, E. S. Origins of the concepts cause, cost, and goal in prereaching infants. Cognitive Development Society (2019).PDF icon liu_etal_lumi_cds2019_final.pdf (22.95 MB)
Liu, S., Brooks, N. B. & Spelke, E. S. Origins of the concepts cause, cost, and goal in prereaching infants. PNAS (2019). doi: icon Author's last draft (2.58 MB)
