All Publications
CBMM Memo No.
“Stable Foundations for Learning: a framework for learning theory (in both the classical and modern regime).”. 2020.
Original file (584.54 KB)
Corrected typos and details of "equivalence" CV stability and expected error for interpolating machines. Added Appendix on SGD. (905.29 KB)
Edited Appendix on SGD. (909.19 KB)
Deleted Appendix. Corrected typos etc (880.27 KB)
Added result about square loss and min norm (898.03 KB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“Efficient inverse graphics in biological face processing”, Science Advances, vol. 6, no. 10, p. eaax5979, 2020.
eaax5979.full_.pdf (3.22 MB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“Using task-optimized neural networks to understand why brains have specialized processing for faces ”, in Computational and Systems Neurosciences, Denver, CO, USA, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“The neural mechanisms of face processing: cells, areas, networks, and models”, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 60, pp. 184 - 191, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Evidence that recurrent pathways between the prefrontal and inferior temporal cortex is critical during core object recognition ”, in COSYNE, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Beyond the feedforward sweep: feedback computations in the visual cortex”, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. | Special Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 1464, no. 1, pp. 222-241, 2020.
gk7812.pdf (1.93 MB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“Beyond the feedforward sweep: feedback computations in the visual cortex”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1464, no. 1, pp. 222 - 241, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Hierarchical neural network models that more closely match primary visual cortex tend to better explain higher level visual cortical responses ”, in COSYNE, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Complexity Control by Gradient Descent in Deep Networks”, Nature Communications, vol. 11, 2020.
s41467-020-14663-9.pdf (431.68 KB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“Temporal information for action recognition only needs to be integrated at a choice level in neural networks and primates ”, in COSYNE, Denver, CO, USA, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Scale and translation-invariance for novel objects in human vision”, Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1411, 2020.
s41598-019-57261-6.pdf (1.46 MB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“Segregation from Noise as Outlier Detection ”, in Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Jose, CA, USA, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Can Deep Learning Recognize Subtle Human Activities?”, CVPR 2020, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“The ability to predict actions of others from distributed cues is still developing in children”, PsyArXiv Preprints, 2020.
Action_prediction_in_children.pdf (427.84 KB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“An analysis of training and generalization errors in shallow and deep networks”, Neural Networks, vol. 121, pp. 229 - 241, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Infants represent 'like-kin' affiliation ”, in Budapest Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Putting visual object recognition in context”, CVPR 2020, 2020.
gk7876.pdf (3.12 MB) ,
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CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Encoding formulas as deep networks: Reinforcement learning for zero-shot execution of LTL formulas”. 2020.
CBMM-Memo-125.pdf (2.12 MB) ,
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CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Deep compositional robotic planners that follow natural language commands”. 2020.
CBMM-Memo-124.pdf (1.03 MB) ,
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CBMM Funded
“Encoding formulas as deep networks: Reinforcement learning for zero-shot execution of LTL formulas”, in 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
CBMM Funded
“The fine structure of surprise in intuitive physics: when, why, and how much?”, in Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society - Developing a Mind: Learning in Humans, Animals, and Machines, CogSci 2020, virtual, July 29 - August 1, 2020, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“How Adults’ Actions, Outcomes, and Testimony Affect Preschoolers’ Persistence”, Child Development, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Invariant representations of mass in the human brain”, eLife, vol. 8, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Representational similarity precedes category selectivity in the developing ventral visual pathway”, NeuroImage, vol. 197, pp. 565 - 574, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded