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Minimal videos: Trade-off between spatial and temporal information in human and machine vision. Cognition (2020). doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104263
What can human minimal videos tell us about dynamic recognition models?. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020) (2020). at <>
Authors' final version (516.09 KB)

Discovery and usage of joint attention in images. (2018). at <>
1804.04604v1.pdf (488.85 KB)

Full interpretation of minimal images. Cognition 171, 65-84 (2018).
Full interpretation of minimal images.pdf (4.55 MB)

Image interpretation above and below the object level. (2018).
CBMM-Memo-089.pdf (2.06 MB)

Image interpretation above and below the object level. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Interface Focus (2018).
2018-BenYosef_Ullman-Image_interpretation_above_and_below the object_level.pdf (3.26 MB)

Searching for visual features that explain response variance of face neurons in inferior temporal cortex. PLOS ONE 13, e0201192 (2018).
Spatiotemporal interpretation features in the recognition of dynamic images. (2018).
CBMM-Memo-094.pdf (1.21 MB) (1.8 MB)
fig1.ppsx (147.67 KB)
fig2.ppsx (419.72 KB)
fig4.ppsx (673.41 KB)
figS1.ppsx (587.88 KB)
figS2.ppsx (281.56 KB)

Full interpretation of minimal images. (2017).
CBMM Memo 061 v.1 (4.64 MB)
CBMM Memo 061 v.2 (5.41 MB)

A model for interpreting social interactions in local image regions. AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Science of Intelligence (2017). at <>
2017-Ben-Yosef_Yachin_Ullman-A_model_for_interpreting_social_interactions_in_local_image_regions.pdf (1.53 MB)

Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision. PNAS 113, 2744–2749 (2016).
mirc_author_manuscript_with_figures_and_SI-2.pdf (1.65 MB)

Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities. (2016).
memo-51.pdf (2.74 MB)

Language and Vision Ambiguities (LAVA) Corpus. (2016). at <>
D15-1172.pdf (2.42 MB)

Measuring and modeling the perception of natural and unconstrained gaze in humans and machines. (2016).
CBMM-Memo-059.pdf (1.71 MB)

Recognizing and Interpreting Social Interactions in Local Image Regions. The 24th Annual Workshop on Object Perception, Attention, and Memory (OPAM), Boston, MA (2016).
Visual Concept Recognition and Localization via Iterative Introspection. . Asian Conference on Computer Vision (2016).
Focusing on parts of interest (910.14 KB)

Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Lisbon, Portugal. (2015).
Graph Approximation and Clustering on a Budget. Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 38, (2015).
fetaya shamir Ullman 2015.pdf (664.26 KB)

A model for full local image interpretation. Cognitive Science Society (2015).
Full object interpretation CogSci 2015 Print version.pdf (707.34 KB)