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Harari, D., Tenenbaum, J. B. & Ullman, S. Discovery and usage of joint attention in images. (2018). at <>PDF icon 1804.04604v1.pdf (488.85 KB)
Ben-Yosef, G., Assif, L. & Ullman, S. Full interpretation of minimal images. Cognition 171, 65 - 84 (2018).
Ben-Yosef, G., Assif, L. & Ullman, S. Full interpretation of minimal images. Cognition 171, 65-84 (2018).PDF icon Full interpretation of minimal images.pdf (4.55 MB)
Ben-Yosef, G. & Ullman, S. Image interpretation above and below the object level. Interface Focus 8, 20180020 (2018).
Ben-Yosef, G. & Ullman, S. Image interpretation above and below the object level. (2018).PDF icon CBMM-Memo-089.pdf (2.06 MB)
Ben-Yosef, G. & Ullman, S. Image interpretation above and below the object level. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Interface Focus (2018).PDF icon 2018-BenYosef_Ullman-Image_interpretation_above_and_below the object_level.pdf (3.26 MB)
Owaki, T. et al. Searching for visual features that explain response variance of face neurons in inferior temporal cortex. PLOS ONE 13, e0201192 (2018).
Ben-Yosef, G., Kreiman, G. & Ullman, S. Spatiotemporal interpretation features in the recognition of dynamic images. (2018).PDF icon CBMM-Memo-094.pdf (1.21 MB)Package icon (1.8 MB)File fig1.ppsx (147.67 KB)File fig2.ppsx (419.72 KB)File fig4.ppsx (673.41 KB)File figS1.ppsx (587.88 KB)File figS2.ppsx (281.56 KB)
Ullman, S., Assif, L., Fetaya, E. & Harari, D. Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision. PNAS 113, 2744–2749 (2016).PDF icon mirc_author_manuscript_with_figures_and_SI-2.pdf (1.65 MB)
Berzak, Y., Barbu, A., Harari, D., Katz, B. & Ullman, S. Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities. (2016).PDF icon memo-51.pdf (2.74 MB)
Lifshitz, I., Fetaya, E. & Ullman, S. Human Pose Estimation Using Deep Consensus Voting. ECCV 2016 (2016).PDF icon 1603.08212.pdf (6.05 MB)
Berzak, Y., Barbu, A., Harari, D., Katz, B. & Ullman, S. Language and Vision Ambiguities (LAVA) Corpus. (2016). at <>PDF icon D15-1172.pdf (2.42 MB)
Harari, D., Gao, T., Kanwisher, N., Tenenbaum, J. B. & Ullman, S. Measuring and modeling the perception of natural and unconstrained gaze in humans and machines. (2016).PDF icon CBMM-Memo-059.pdf (1.71 MB)
Ben-Yosef, G., Yachin, A. & Ullman, S. Recognizing and Interpreting Social Interactions in Local Image Regions. The 24th Annual Workshop on Object Perception, Attention, and Memory (OPAM), Boston, MA (2016).
Rosenfeld, A. & Ullman, S. Visual Concept Recognition and Localization via Iterative Introspection. . Asian Conference on Computer Vision (2016).PDF icon Focusing on parts of interest  (910.14 KB)
