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Computational models of category-selective brain regions enable high-throughput tests of selectivity. Nature Communications 12, (2021).
s41467-021-25409-6.pdf (6.47 MB)

Brain-Like Object Recognition with High-Performing Shallow Recurrent ANNs. 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) (2019).
2019-10-28 NeurIPS-camera_ready.pdf (1.88 MB)

Large-scale hyperparameter search for predicting human brain responses in the Algonauts challenge. The Algonauts Project: Explaining the Human Visual Brain Workshop 2019 (2019). doi:10.1101/689844
Neural Population Control via Deep Image Synthesis. Science 364, (2019).
Author's last draft (18.45 MB)

Brain-Score: Which Artificial Neural Network for Object Recognition is most Brain-Like?. bioRxiv preprint (2018). doi:10.1101/407007
Brain-Score bioRxiv.pdf (789.83 KB)