All Publications


CBMM Funded
Y. Han, Roig, G., Geiger, G., and Poggio, T., Is the Human Visual System Invariant to Translation and Scale?, in AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Science of Intelligence, 2017.
CBMM Funded
S. Dae Houlihan and Saxe, R., Modeling emotion attributions as inference in an intuitive theory of mind., Mechanisms Underlying Emotion Regulation and Developmental Psychopathology. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2017.
CBMM Funded
W. Kool, Gershman, S. J., and Cushman, F. A., Thinking fast or slow? A reinforcement-learning approach, Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, TX, 2017.PDF icon KoolEtAl_SPSP_2017.pdf (670.35 KB)
CBMM Funded
S. Liu, Ullman, T., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Spelke, E. S., Ten-month-old infants infer value from effort, Society for Research in Child Development. 2017.
CBMM Funded
E. Meyers, A Data Science approach to analyzing neural data, in Joint Statistical Meetings, 2017.
CBMM Funded
H. Mhaskar, Liao, Q., and Poggio, T., When and Why Are Deep Networks Better Than Shallow Ones?, AAAI-17: Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2017.
CBMM Funded
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Learning Mid-Level Codes for Natural Sounds, Association for Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting. 2017.
CBMM Funded
W. Mlynarski and McDermott, J. H., Lossy Compression of Uninformative Stimuli in the Auditory System, Association for Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting. 2017.
CBMM Funded
CBMM Funded
J. Mutch, Anselmi, F., Tacchetti, A., Rosasco, L., Leibo, J. Z., and Poggio, T., Invariant Recognition Predicts Tuning of Neurons in Sensory Cortex, in Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision, Springer, 2017, pp. 85-104.
CBMM Funded
